CROSSING THE FRAME is the kick off for a long desired project I hope to never see finished. This ongoing series aims to put in front of the camera the women who work behind it. Before taking their portrait I interview each filmmaker to learn more about challenges faced in their home towns /countries and their journeys. As every single face portrayed in this series - and uncountable others - I also came to L.A. pursuing a dream. What I encountered in these past years here is a community of young female filmmakers who arrived from different parts of the world hoping to work with film and to be respected for it. Even if the aspiration is the same no two stories are. And I am interested in learning the stories of a new generation of artists who believe that in order for one woman to succeed all must be recognized. These women are a continuous source of inspiration. As a cinematographer, my biggest passion is representing through images the stories that are trusted to me. So here are the stories I really wish to portray - the tales of true Hollywood muses.
Andrea Mereles
Cinematographer, from Mexico City, Mexico
Maria Alice Arida
Director, from São Paulo, Brazil
Paula Sabbaga
Screenwriter for TV, from São Paulo, Brazil
Liv Colliander
Director, from Copenhagen, Denmark
Sinah Ober
Producer, from the Black Forest, Germany
Lorie Wallick
Production Designer, from Dallas, USA
Kalilah Robinson
Cinematographer, from Devonshire, Bermuda
Jory Anast
Screenwriter, from Buderim, Australia
Marina Moyses
Talent Manager and Producer, from São Paulo, Brazil
Maíra Correa
Producer, from Arujá, Brazil
Cindy Takehara Ferruccio
Sound Technician, from Shinjuku, Japan
Katie Avery
Director, from Seattle, USA
Favienne Howsepian
Cinematographer, from San Francisco, USA
Andrea Mereles
Cinematographer and Rental House owner,
from São Paulo, Brazil